20 November 2008 Give Music established itself in New York City with great success and has provided luxury gift items for over 20 returning clients worldwide. Since its inception, the company has attained a surge of outstanding feedback and in 2007 was featured in Binghamton Magazine in New York. Give Music's international acclaim has prompted the grand opening of a branch in London. Prospective clients receive a free initial consultation and 10% off their first song. 5 August, 2008 12.15.07 6.4.07 I've just started a blog! Check it out. I plan to provide you guys with a look into the nitty-gritty process of creating a song - step by step. I will post samples of recordings and rough mixes so that you can hear the difference and growth from start and finish. I just finished a song for my client, Lynda, who gave it to her husband at their wedding this past weekend. Lynda was very happy with the outcome and it was really fun to write. I'm anxiously waiting for them to get back from their honeymoon so I can see their reactions on video! Give Music is going to be featured in a magazine this fall. Binghamton University (my alma mater) interviewed me a few weeks ago for an article coming out in November about what it's like to start a new business as a young entrepreneur. All my hard press work is starting to finally pay off. I went to Jazzfest this year in New Orleans and it was bloody amazing. If you haven't yet been there - you MUST go! Despite all that has happened with Katrina, there is still such a rich culture. Their love for music is embedded in every streetcorner. Everyone is tremendously talented - we walked by a group of young teenage boys playing in a brass band - they had everyone on their feet and dancing like mad. Three young violinists played beautifully as we waited in line for a taxi. I was serenaded by a fabulous trumpet player and a guy who calls himself "Bruce Almighty". Everywhere you go, music pours through bones of this city and out through your soul - it's magical.
So, with that said...one of my best friends is getting married in August and she asked me to write a processional for when family and the bridal party comes down the aisle. Also having come to Jazzfest with me, I wrote her and her fiance a tribute to their love in a slow blues style. This is the start of my break out into new genres, and there are plenty more to come (hint: think marimbas). Until next time... ________________________________________________ 12.24.06 Give Music has come quite a long way in a very short time. A brand new song “Away” has been completed and presented to Marc Otterback and his family in Virginia. They are all deeply touched as this song was given to them for a Christmas present in memory of their grandmother. Give Music has teamed up with The Pickle Club, a website devoted to pickles, and will celebrate their launch in January with a brand new pickle song! Check out www.thepickleclub.com for more information. Press is in full swing so keep a lookout for Give Music in magazine and news publications due out in the new year. Give Music is lining up quite a number of clients for 2007 - there’s a growing interest in wedding songs and even a request for a baby’s lullabye! If you’d like a Give Music song, act now! Remember, if you’re on a deadline we need at least three months notice in advance to make the cut. Wishing you the best for this holiday season and a very Happy New Year! ~Amelia ________________________________________________ 11.1.06 This site is meant to provide you with a comprehensive view of how Give Music works. Complete with a company history, bio, an explanation of services and a portfolio of recorded material, GiveMusicNYC.com is presented to you in a manner that is fun, imaginative and easy to use. At any time you are welcome to fill out a feedback form as to how we can improve upon the site and the company. We also encourage you to email Amelia with any thoughts, concerns or boughts of interest. Thank you for visiting GiveMusicNYC.com. Stay tuned . . . more NEWS to come! |
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